Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Slice of Life...

I was giving a demonstration today and told my avid listeners a quick story.

"When I was a little girl, in kindergarten, my dad had just come home from deer hunting. I almost saw him die right in front of me...
He was a bow hunter and used those sharp broad head know, the ones like razors. Somehow, when he was putting away his equipment, he caught his inner bicep on one of those arrows--it sliced right into his artery. You know how your heart beats? ba-boom ba-boom?

I remember a white freezer and a white refrigerator in the kitchen and the linoleum floor. As his heart beat, the blood splattered everything white with red drops as huge as silver dollars.

He grabbed a dishtowel, screaming at my mom. She didn't know how to drive a stick shift. I remember cowering down in the back while he yelled at her what to do and her panic and the vehicle chugging and finally getting to the hospital. When the door was opened on the passenger side, blood ran into the parking lot...."

I explained safety procedures on how to hold/use/cut and stay seated with an Exacto knife-- and the dangers of those Razor edges....and how NOT to hold your hand widespread on paper as you slide your blade down through it ................................................................................... ..................Whereupon.......I promptly cut my hand!

(That Travelall...I drove to highschool in that as a freshman!)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Two Horse Beer

Last night a local (white collar) band was playing in a more spacious and smoke-free establishment than the downtown rough-n-tumble (albeit fun!) bar and grill: featured for a few songs was our own Miss American Idol. They weren't quite so rock-n-rollsy this time, but the music was still good and they drew a crowd, earning $ for Relay 4 Life.
As we made our way to the bar, I noticed that "Dos Equis" was one of the brews written on their chalkboard wall menu-- which made me smile.
Last week when I announced that I was going to the liquor store for some Two Horse beer, one of Brigg's friends told me I should get some Dos Equis. "I am!" I replied, grinning at his look of confusion.
Last year while Wedding Planning for Bail, her father-in-law-to-be offered a beer (or was this when Brig and Paula were supposed to paint that fence 2 years ago??) Whatever. He had an amusing little tale of his liquor store escapade: Apparently, he'd gone inside, asking for "some of that Two Horse beer"...he'd misread the label previously as EQUINE or something and automatically stored the image of 'horse' in his brain! The poor lady was totally confused, as was he, in trying to describe it..."Well, Dos stands for know, the two horse beer!" It all worked out in the end, so now we buy it too, I mean dos.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Navy Ball

Teg's fellow navy man posted a pic of their Navy Ball on facebook--I'm looking forward to seeing more! I'm glad they actually got to go (you never know about the military!), but I assumed they'd be wearing dress whites--probably not the right month for that yet. Tegan is the 'starred' one of course. Should I PhotoShop in a pepsi?!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

No News is Good News...

Finally! After 2 1/2 days of wondering whether Nate, Bail, Daph, and Boat went over a steep enbankment, laying frozen and undiscovered as yet by wolves (not really!), I am happy to say that I had a brief message while buying grapefruit in Walmart....the kids are in Tok and have about 11 hours to go!
Below is Daphne, an Aussie Shepard-Great Pernese, evil (blue) and gentle (brown) -eyed mix; a delightfully good puppy that obeys humans and cows, believing that those of larger heights must be sat at the feet of, and therefore, rolled-over to. Moo.Here is Daphne, the protective Bear Dog, displaying her diabolical side!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm pretty sure these two are somewhere!